A journey to learn

With the patronage of “Salah” Volunteering Association / in collaboration with “S. Maria Goretti” Community Home, Andria Diocese’s Migration Office, “Migrantes” Association for Social Promotion / film production by Pinto’s “Morpheus Ego” / in collaboration with Equilibrio Dinamico.

Tama Kelen is a short film realised as a spin-off of the project “Cinema” ideated by Vincenzo Losito around October and December 2014.

The project, in collaboration with Michele Pinto (web series director and artistic director of Morpheus Ego Kinema film production company), involved 15 guests of the home S. Croce “Rosario Livatino”, both recipient of Mare Nostrum emergency and recipient of SPRAR project, in collaboration with the Association for Social Promotion “Migrantes”.