Besides production, training, and education, for many years Equilibrio Dinamico has been carrying out audience promotion for the new generations and families in several cities of Puglia. Various events and activities have been organised with the support of the City of Grottaglie and Pugliese Public Theatre.

As part of the Pugliese Public Theatre’s network, the theatre season 2017/18 of the City of Grottaglie was opened with the performance:


The title symbolises the intention to link together movies with theatre pieces. Hence the theatre season was joined by a short movie festival which involved a “guided vision” of the movies to encourage the audience to compare the two languages.

In 2018 took place the first edition of the Children’s Nuit Blanche titled

LA TERRA INCONTRA I BAMBINI (The Earth meets the Children)

The theme of the event was showing the Earth as a place to protect and love.

A big parade of storytellers, trampolinist, potters, and animators crossed the city of Grottaglie from the Capuchin Monastery to the old town centre.

In 2019 and 2020 in the Episcopio Castle took place the summer festival ARIA DI FAVOLE (Fairytales), a small theatre festival for families.